Tuesday, January 10, 2006

2015 When does pregnancy begin?

"Judge Alito's writings include remarks that suggest he believes pregnancy begins at the fertilization of an egg, rather than when a fertilized egg implants itself in the wall of the woman's uterus." [I think this was USAToday quote on Jan. 9] Medical textbooks also say that, at least they did when I worked in a medical library.

I don't know when you started your life journey, but I know I started mine when the egg in my mother was fertilized. And according to a Zogby poll, almost 50% of women believe pregnancy starts with fertilization. It's only been within the last 20 years or so that physicians, geneticists, medical organizations and feminists have declared that pregnancy doesn't begin until implantation in the uterus. Interesting timeline. Seems to be a political decision, doesn't it, based on wishful thinking, not science. Some things not based on sound science, like intelligent design, can't even be hinted. I wonder how this slipped through?

We all started somewhere, mostly likely at the beginning.


Bonita said...

Life begins at conception - keep it that simple.

CHRIS LEAV said...

Interesting. I hadn't heard this one before. I also was taught that life begins at the fertilization of the egg. That idea gets in the way of things like creating and destroying multiple embryos outside the human body, so it had to be replaced by the "implanted" idea. Amazing.