Saturday, December 17, 2005

1904 Time to use up the roll of 37 cent stamps

There will be a postage hike next year, so it's time to think about writing all those notes and cards you've been putting off because you were baking cookies, attending parties or writing Christmas cards. Use up the last of your stamps so you won't have to do the add-on thing.

I jotted down my list this morning at the coffee shop
  • two friends who've had accidents, are recovering, but I just heard about it
  • two thank you notes for dinner party invitations
  • notes to our four pastors for their service
  • thank yous to the 5 people who serve on a committee with us
  • welcome to a new neighbor which will also do double duty as a Christmas card
  • note to my sister-in-law about a change in plans
  • note to a new widow--holidays are tough

    They are all in the mail slot, and although I'm usually not a list maker, it feels good. E-mails in place of thank yous, or get-well notes, or sympathy thoughts are just gauche in my opinion. E-mail is prefect for work memos, reminders and regular, ongoing correspondence. But if our relationship is so weak that I don't rate a 37 cent stamp or a phone call when I'm down for the count, maybe we need to reevaluate.

    (Comments from face strangers on the blog are OK, however.)

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