This morning I've been listening to a Detroit local talk show (WJR),
Frank Beckman, and the discussion is the various townhall formats held by Michigan representatives, Thaddeus McCotter (R) and John Dingell (D). McCotter really sounded more concerned about disruptions than hearing out his constituency. If I were a Republican living in his district, I'd give him the boot just based on the interview I heard this morning. And of course, being from Michigan he loves the cash for clunkers program, even though the sales seem to be helping the foreign car dealers more. (It's really a hurt-the-poor, green-go plan in my opinion, not a stimulus bill.) McCotter decided on a telephone townhall--wimp out. Dingell actually appeared at one, but apparently was more interested in listening to himself rather than the people who showed up. One woman caller said the only organized group she saw at the townhall were the pro-ObamaCare, Dingell people, and everyone else was polite and patient, with the exception of one man whose child had CP, and he was very concerned about losing his private insurance. Dingell was evasive, and noted that an amendment had been added to cover his situation. It was obvious to the callers to the show, and the host, that the bill has many modifications since they first tried to ram it through--so what's the rush? Why, if a very small percentage of poor AMERICANS, do not currently have insurance (they all have access), what's the rush?
This has been answered many times, in many ways by Democrats, from Obama on down through his former Clinton staffers who remember what happened in the 90s when people had an opportunity for input.
"Ram it,
jam it,
scam it,
don't let'em slam it
while the President's numbers
are high. Of course, Obama's numbers are falling fast as Americans smell another high priced clunker like cap and trade rattling down the Obama pot hole scarred, torn up, out of date road to socialism which will continue to eat away at the prosperity of the middle-class.
Dr. Donald Palmisano of
Protect Patient Rights and formerly head of the AMA was also interviewed. Maybe "Anonymous" True Believer in Obama needs to go to that web site, instead of this one?
Dingell was a joke. I loved this one. "NO MORE DECEITFUL FINE PRINT!" I wonder if that will apply to Congress' bills?
Murray sez:
Forget the fine print... they don't even read the bold print!
I didn't hear the interview you mention, but McCotter has always struck me as an honest & decent guy (not to mention sharp as a tack, and funny, too). I guess none of them are saints, but he is MY representative, and I am happy he is. Overall, he seems to be doing a good job, and I would vote for him again.
You should check him out on YouTube.
This is his blog.
Thanks for the insight. He sounded better (from a conservative view point) than Dingell, but it was the tele-town hall that I found a bit off-putting, plus he seemed to have little trust that the meetings wouldn't get rowdy. A lot of that is the MSM not wanting voters to take charge.
I understand there is a Democrat Senator from Ohio having a townhall this week--only Democrats invited. That's one way to preach only to the choir.
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