Sunday, March 17, 2013

An orange a day . . .


Usually I have such terrible, miserable colds that last so long--usually three weeks--I really should give them names--like hurricanes or tsunamis. I was coming down with a cold when my husband returned, sick, from Haiti 2 weeks ago. But not much happened. This winter I've been eating oranges. I've always liked them, but rarely have more than one or two a year. They just tasted awfully good this year, and I've been buying 8 lb bags for about $6 and have added one orange to my daily one apple. So I think I've eaten 5 bags since the fall, or 40 lbs of oranges.

Also, I candied quite a few of the orange peels until eating them was making my mouth a little raw—and making me hungry for other sweets. Maybe it was all those peels.  Lots of good stuff in those too.

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