Thursday, September 03, 2020

Voter manipulation isn’t from Russia

Some people I know are still in the Russia, Russia, Russia delusion about 2016, however, Google can manipulate the election by influencing that precious "undecided" group. Watch this testimony. Epstein is not a Trump supporter. The Left went crazy when this report came out, and when Trump repeated it (not using the exact numbers--could be over 10 million) the very ones who claimed to revere science screamed themselves blue and grew donkey ears. No paper trail, nothing to check with this method, Epstein says.

Now he says “Just by fiddling with search suggestion, Google has the power to turn a 50-50 split among undecided voters into a 90-10 split with no one knowing that they have been manipulated,” he said.

The Number One financial donor to Hillary Clinton in 2016 was the parent company of Google. And you're worried about Putin?

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