Wednesday, December 07, 2005

1862 Blogs are still a mystery to many

In the last 5 days I've explained to 5 or 6 people what a blog is, and given them my URL, but I can see the "Huh?" look in their eyes. My sister says that Diane Reams on NPR interviewed a blogger yesterday; today's Wall Street Journal has an article about tech bloggers, who are much less political than the red/blue, pro/anti-life, young/old splits you see on my links. Here's a link to the article.

"The reality is that while there are now as many tech blogs as stars in the sky, only a tiny fraction of them matter."

"The easiest way to follow this world is via a useful blog-tracking service called The site runs off software written by Gabe Rivera, a former Intel compiler programmer. It sifts through hundreds of technology-oriented blogs to find the hour's hot topics and who is saying what about them. The results are presented concisely in a single place, updated every few minutes. Another site,, offers a similar service."

"The major difference between politics blogs and tech blogs is that many of the former still depend on the mainstream media to provide the grist for their mills. The tech blogs, though, have become a world onto themselves, and require no such crutch."

1 comment:

Cathy said...

A year ago, I really didn't know much about blogs. Now, it's about all I read on the Internet. Amazing more don't read them nor do they use them.