Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Cash for clunkers scam

First, it's for the auto industry. We now own it--so we're just pouring more tax money into a product we, the company, are pushing.

Second, it's payback for the unions, so they can keep their workers and pensioners happy.

Third, there's no way that program is out of money. There haven't been that many deals made--crunch the numbers. This is marketing hype so more people will rush to the dealer.

Fourth, the people who got stopped by the paper work or a "standard" that said their 20 year old clunker was getting 20 mpg not 18, probably stopped and looked around the showroom at a new car.

Fifth, if their car didn't qualify, they'll be pushed into a new car with a loan, because this program is taking driveable older cars off the road.

Sixth, even if you want a used car, one with better mileage, you won't be able to find one, because they are being snapped up for the next deal.

Seventh, there's very little savings in either gasoline or the environment. People with older, second or beater cars, are not using them as much as their newer, more efficient cars. How many people do you know on a limited budget hop in the car for a road trip to Texas or Alaska?

Eighth, people with less efficient SUVs are buying newer, more efficient SUVs. They are still energy hogs.

Ninth, there's a cost to buying a new car, and a cost to destroying one that is already on the road, in the garage, driveable and useful.

Tenth, many dealers are out of inventory and making no sales at all until they get the next batch. So how's that working for the employees?


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
I think I've detected a pattern with our current Federal government. It goes something like this: Dump billions of tax dollars into projects with little thought regarding the overall effect. Then before you know whether it produced a positive or negative result.... dump another couple of billion into it!

Norma said...

Murray Sez for Congress!

Anonymous said...

A more appropriate name for this blog would be...Collecting My Talking Points.

Norma said...

Well, it's my blog, my thoughts. You can write your own blog and call it "Comments from a Troll."

Anonymous said...

Oh, so you're one of those...I'll take my blog and go home people.

Norma said...

Or stop posting anonymously. Are you afraid of the government, your boss or me?

Three Score and Ten or more said...

With the government encouraging us to spy on each other right now, it could be anyone. I am embarrassed to say that I am seriously contemplating cash for clunkers myself. Hypocrite that I am.