Thursday, October 25, 2012

There is no there there

"The iconization of Obama [in 2008], the proliferation of appearances, merchandising and photo and video made many Americans feel as if they knew him, when in reality they knew next to nothing about him. This technique is commonly used by celebrities to create the veneer of familiarity, without the substance." (Sultan Knish, Sept. 1)

Now it's 2012 and the veneer has cracks, the fizz has gone flat, and the slogans are tired. He has no plan, no energy. The economy is easing, gas prices miraculously are down in the nick of time. . . but kaboom. . .Benghazi blows up. Will Americans notice he didn't send help and let them die, that he went to bed after watching it in real time and then left to party with Beyonce and Jay-Z,  that he lied to the U.S. and the U.N. and caused more deaths in the Middle East, all for his campaign that had no message?

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