Monday, March 04, 2013

Church websites

I visit a lot of church web sites. There are two persuasive, inviting messages I seek on the first click before the description of programs, services, and what a great, friendly staff and congregation it has: 1) The timeless message--Jesus and the Gospel--who he is and what he does; and 2) the targeted message--an address, including the city and state (a squished Google map of the streets isn't much help without that).

In the U.S. we have hundreds of different denominations within the “Protestant” family of Christians, and even if they have the same grouping, like ELCA or American Baptist, that doesn’t say anything about what the local congregation stands for.

Just for fun, put your denomination into the Google or Bing search window and add a medium to large city.  Then select a few. What does it say about Jesus; can you find the address easily if it passes the first test?

This one got the address part (first), but no gospel or who is Jesus. The other had the address at the top, right under the name. Is mentioning the Good News the same as proclaiming it?



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