Thursday, June 04, 2020

It’s not fake, but it is false

There is so much propaganda using statistics about men who commit crimes--black and white. It's not exactly "fake," but it is meant to mislead. A man (or occasionally a woman) committing a crime is more likely to be shot or restrained by police than one who is out at a ball game not committing a crime. That's their job. Blacks commit crimes at a higher rate than whites or Hispanics or Asians, but for their numbers are less likely to be shot or restrained. It's something like 8x the rate of crime of whites, and blacks have a victim rate 6x that of whites. They are not being victimized by police--they call the police and report the crime. They want police protection. The police come, it's their job, and the assailant is black 93% of the time.

So how do the anti-police researchers figure this? By percentage of total population, not by percentage of criminal acts that put them in harm's way. The number of blacks killed by police has dropped dramatically since 2015 (although it was very small even then). Why? We may never know since the media won't investigate, but it is probably that the economy improved and they had hope with Trump as president instead of that slippery, feel-good guy who never lived in the 'hood, but preached hope and change because he had brown skin.

Here's the irony. When Obama was president that awful Dylan Roof shot a number of black people in a church, and the president blamed the Republicans for their deaths and demanded more gun control. When Chauvin killed Floyd in Minneapolis with an all Democrat controlled government top to bottom, governor to mayor to attorney general to senators (one a former prosecutor who should have put him away), the Republican president Donald Trump is blamed, and people rise up all over the nation demanding reform, when police killings are so much lower under Trump than Obama.
Republicans are so lame in defending themselves. Some even kneel and squeal. I used to be a Democrat and the spineless wimps in the GOP was quite a pill to swallow.

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