Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How to fix systemic racism

Here are my suggestions about systemic racism being the big problem today.

If you believe that, then do something about it, not by lecturing others or pointing fingers, but by making changes in YOUR OWN LIFE. You are part of many systems within the system. Like veins and arteries within the circulatory system.

Look at your profession. That's close enough for you to work on. You've got something to say about that. If you can't step up and lay your income on the line, then don't expect change.

What's going on in your union? Is it protecting the bad apples? Is it your boss? Union president?

Does your university have a bloated department called "Diversity and Inclusion" that is sucking up money that could be put to use doing something useful? Are you required to take time away from your classroom or research to attend reeducation classes. Say something--some of those students you're shortchanging are black.

Is your employer so "woke" that it doesn't give minorities real opportunities, only feel good spots on diversity committees and positions? Is the only dark face on the board of directors a female in HR? Can you risk your next promotion by objecting?

And where are you living? A suburb with 10% Asian and 2% black, 5% Hispanic and 83% white? Perhaps you need to consider moving. There are many lovely housing areas that are more open housing than that! And they probably have a community organization that isn't 100% white.

Are you supporting Planned Parenthood? Its statistics show genocidal levels for black babies. You don't have to change your opinion on "women's health,," but maybe that money you donate could go to research on why black mothers have a higher fatality rate than other pregnant women. Or you could donate to a non-profit that helps young, single black mothers raise healthy families.

Racism starts at home, in the heart, but if you believe it's the system, start there and work backwards to your heart.

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