Thursday, August 27, 2020


My afternoon naps are coming earlier and earlier.  About 11 a.m.  Of course, I get up early, but then I always have.  When my children would nap in afternoons, I always used that time to nap.  My mother was a napper.  She always said, "I'll just close my eyes for a few minutes." The day before my wedding I napped on the couch with my head in her lap.  She always had a book with her, and as her eyes would get heavy, the book slipped down. When I was about 16 I look a photo of her napping on our burgundy color couch on Hannah Avenue--plaid house dress, an apron, dark brown hair, hose, shoes with little heels. I'll have to look around for it.

The medical news for naps changes from time to time. Some research says an hour nap (my usual length) can help cognition.

Others say 20-30 minutes is best so you don't get groggy.

Mayo Clinic has some suggestions

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