Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Defender in Chief, by John Yoo

John Woo, a Korean American, is the "wrong" kind of minority--he supports the President, although he didn't start out that way. In his new book, “Defender in Chief: Donald Trump’s Fight for Presidential Power,” Yoo makes the case that despite popular belief, President Trump has been a protector of constitutional law, not an offender. Democrats, liberals, and Progressives will not like this at all. The book was written before all the oozing of the left in 2020.

“We are used to thinking of presidential power as presidents fighting with Congress…actually the really important fight is the president against the independent bureaucracies below him,” Yoo said. “The founders would have said, ‘What is going on?’…this bureaucracy is slowing down, diluting, sapping the presidency of its energy.”

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