Saturday, September 07, 2024

Trump's economic plan and the Reagan movie

I watched some of Donald Trump's speech at the Economic Club of New York (Sept. 5) on Fox. Don't know if the Democrat media covered it--Trump joked about them being there. He itemized his 2025 tax agenda in a very dry, business-like style, very different than his rallies. Wants to make his tax cuts permanent--these benefited all the quintiles, but especially the middle class. Pelosi particularly lied about this his entire term. A 15% corporate tax rate “solely for companies that make their product in America,” “expanded” research and development tax credits, restoring 100% bonus depreciation, and no tax on SS for seniors or on tips. Some of his "pillars" we've heard in his rallies, but this is all economics. The Democrats are now the party of wealth, so some of these have their support. He talked about waste and fraud and said he would create a special commission led by Elon Musk.

We went to see the movie Reagan with a group of like-minded (all conservative Christians) Thursday night. Everyone I'd talked to who had seen it raved about it. One couple in our group saw it twice. It was OK, but then I hadn't seen a first run movie since before Covid, so I'm a little out of the loop on the cost, the sound system that assumes everyone is deaf, and I just had trouble seeing actors playing historical figures of MY lifetime. Although they did a good job of inserting TV news clips. I never voted for Reagan and until I read a book about the President, Pope and Prime Minister (that may not be the exact title) I didn't know much about his contribution to the fall of the USSR. Like many Americans of the last 40 years, I just absorbed the alphabet media ABCBSNBCPBS 3-5 minute assessment of the evening news. I was a Democrat and my workplace (academe) was probably 75% Democrat, so I never heard another view. But also, it seems I'd heard of him all my life. Mt. Morris isn't that far from Dixon, and he was the local guy who went to Hollywood. My father knew him, although Reagan was a few years older, and played college football against him. The "hometown" scenes in the movie were fun to see--Rock River, the Dixon arch and his family home. I would recommend it though, and it's probably close to the history, except it didn't mention the Pope. Of course, all the reviews will be negative. Leopards don't change their spots. Ignore them. The audiences in this town have loved it.

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