Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Trump, Haitians and Springfield, Ohio

Why do the Democrats create rumors and lies about Haitians? Try this story from Newsweek and Tampa Free Press.

"In 2020, the last full year of the Trump administration,1,207 Haitians were apprehended at the U.S. southern border. Contrast that to the first eight months of 2021 under the Biden administration, when 47,255 Haitians were apprehended. These numbers are staggering and they're getting worse.

Presently, more than 211,000 Haitians have been approved for the Biden administration's Process for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans parole program (CHNV) and have been granted work permits. And under certain legal statuses, the CHNV program allows an immigrant who is already in the U.S. to potentially sponsor another immigrant." (Newsweek, Sept 13, 2024)

According to the Tampa Free Press the DHS is flying them to 50 airports so they are spread over every state. DHS documents say, "All individuals paroled into the United States are, by definition, inadmissible, including those paroled under the CHNV Processes." Florida, Texas, and Georgia are the top spots--Harris needs to turn them blue to create a one-party system so she can destroy the Constitution.
Yours is now a border town. Yours is now a sanctuary city. Your schools and hospitals need ESL teachers, translators and service providers who can speak French, Creole and Spanish. White men need not apply. Open your wallets America, Harris wants your money, your vote and your guns.

Thank you, President Trump, for calling attention to this travesty and taking abuse for the Biden/Harris administration's mishandling and their mistreatment of foreign-born labor trafficking and sex trafficking.

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