Friday, October 18, 2024

The good old days of medicine

Although I'm old enough to remember when the doctor came to the house, I also remember when I could call the doctor and he would get back to me at the end of the day. I also remember when he would write a personal note at the end of the lab report that was mailed to me. I don't remember how many years ago it was, but if I were in the hospital, the doctor visited me there instead of a "hospitalist" I'd never see again.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

I'm 65 and have a very clear memory of the doctor giving me a penicillin shot at home in about 1963. And we lived in a pretty good sized Kansas town (pop. 25K), not really a very rural area. I also remember my Dad taking my brother and me to the junior high school building one evening about the same year and being amazed to see MY doctor there handing out sugar cubes (laced with polio vaccine, I'm sure).