Thursday, December 04, 2003

#119 Victor Davis Hanson

Victor Davis Hanson apparently doesn’t have a blog. I’ve looked. He’s in the public eye so often, perhaps it doesn’t matter. A Google search turns up about 14,000 possibilities if you enter those terms, but it is just others blogging about Hanson and the calm, sensible way he has of laying it on the line. He has about as much inflection and charisma as a weather reporter, but he’s always engaging because he presents his case meticulously. I’ve seen him on Book-TV several times and perhaps it is his training in the classics, but he does have a larger grasp of our current problems in the Middle East.

December 2003

November 7, 2003

November 3, 2003

September 28, 2003

September 15, 2003 (audio)

June 11, 2003

April 8, 2003

March 28, 2003 (audio)

‘Hanson has a lot more to say on many other subjects, among them the privileged Arabs, "driven to murder by hatred and envy," who are the real terrorists, and about the privileged Americans in academia and among the illuminati -- he cites "the likes of Mary Beard, Eric Foner, Frederic Jameson, Barbara Kingsolver, Arundhati Roy, Edward Said, Susan Sontag, Alice Walker, and a host of others" -- who "are not merely ignorant of politics, history and culture, but often downright immature, hysterical and inarticulate." As is so often the case, he is right.’ Washington Post, August 29, 2002

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