Sunday, July 25, 2004

400 Pleasant surprises

A stranger knocked on the door yesterday afternoon to inquire about our paintings. She's decided that next year she'll come to the opening of the art show so she can purchase one from my husband. She also asked me for a reprint of my shuffleboard painting (my husband and kids in 1974) to give to her mother. The Cottage Assessories owner also knocked on the door and said she had a rush order for my gazebo cards because there were two weddings in the park, and that always sells that card design.

The "Perspective Drawing" class taught by my husband with the assistance of Bev who is a member of our Visual Arts Ministry at church was a big success. Again we were surprised when two different members of the class gave him gifts in appreciation. We printed up certificates in the morning and Bev wrote in their names. It will be offered again during the 8th week and I'll take it then. Angela, a neighbor, said she sees everything differently now. Pat says the class filled a hole in her art ability and is looking forward to better paintings. One woman actually extended her vacation so she could complete the class. He is a wonderful teacher, very kind and patient.

Bev started for home about 10 a.m. yesterday. I think we've made a Lakesider out of her. She's planning to come back in August and may teach her own bag of tricks. She is also bringing her parents who used to come here as young people.

Plans are moving along for next Saturday's "Client Appreciation Party" with gifts, food and displays just about in the finishing stages. We've hired the archivist down the street to be our musician. It will be at the Hotel Lakeside in one of the air conditioned dining rooms. We've only had about two really roaring hot days this summer, so we may not need the air.

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