Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Interview seen at another website

Hobbies: I didn’t have any until I retired in 2000. I was very concerned about that so I wrote a story and a plan about possible hobbies. Now I write all the time--12 blogs, poetry, essays, and I sometimes paint and draw. I’m a better artist than many people, even better than some who make a living at it, but not good enough to satisfy me, and no burning desire so I do less and less. These are interests I had before I started kindergarten. My mother used to bring home discontinued wallpaper rolls for me to write and draw.

In college I drove a: Whatever my parents owned, and Dad changed cars frequently--every year or two. That Ford red ranchero was great fun for a teen-ager.

My worst subject in school: Algebra II in 11th grade. Panicked and dropped it and took Psychology which I really liked. I did get a C once--in tennis. The teacher was pregnant and I couldn’t even keep up with her.

College, undergrad degree: University of Illinois, Russian and Spanish with a whole lot of history. Also attended Manchester College, and two small schools, one in Maine and one in Indiana the names of which I’ve forgotten. Oh yes, and I took some classes at Ohio State and Ohio Dominican over the years.

College, graduate degree: University of Illinois, Library Science. Great school. Opened a lot of doors.

Best advice I ever got: It probably came from my mother. She never ran out--I guess the apple didn‘t fall far from the tree--but I can’t place my finger on just one thing. Probably to marry my current and only husband. She was never that thrilled with the other candidates I brought home and I think she took one look and thought I had a winner. I know we feel that way about our son-in-law.

Favorite coffee: Whatever I don’t make as long as it’s brewed in a coffee shop, not kept on a burner, and not in someone else’s kitchen. For years I drank black coffee only, but must have started adding cream sometime in the 70s. No sugar. Yuck. I started "going out" for coffee when I was in high school and never looked back. I write a blog about people I meet in coffee shops.

1 comment:

Pet Peeve said...

I have to agree with you when it comes to worse subject in school. Math, definitely not on the favorites list. Glad im not the only one! We would love to hear your thoughts and opinions at our blog as well. Thank you!