Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I've now read Arizona SB1070--have you?

The President hasn't. Eric Holder hasn't. Janet Napolitano hasn't. The governor of California hasn't. The principal of Highland High School in Illinois hasn't. Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner hasn't. But it was read aloud on the Glenn Beck Show today. Now millions and millions know what our federal, state and local officials don't--that it cites and follows the U.S. Code, that it prohibits profiling, that it comes down very heavily on human smuggling. Too bad our president is so quick to speak without knowing anything on the topic. Maybe he can have another beer party, this time with the governor of Arizona, to thrash this out?


Anonymous said...

If Obama and Holder had just kept their mouths shut and waited to at least have a lawyer read it (or a 5th grader), probably none of these boycotts would have happened. The man who was going to bring us all together has done nothing but create chaos and disagreements among groups. I think he wants it that way.

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Anon has it right. Creating crisis and chaos is Obama's trademark. It's how he "gets things done" by having you looking the other way!