Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why the World is Better Off Without the USSR

The world is a much better place without the USSR. Some professors and academics (and particularly American Communists) think it's a close call. Not someone like Ilya Somin who grew up there who answers philosophy professor, Brian Leiter.

The Volokh Conspiracy » Why the World is Better Off Without the USSR


Doug said...

The foolish USSR repressed Christianity and took the life out of life with their extremist socialist policies. No nation prospers long with such a policy.

I want to thank you for refering the book Evangelical vs Liberal to me. I have written an article on this and it wasn't very kind to the left per the responses I received but the truth is the truth where spiritual fundamentals are concerned. Of course I generally spend more time with the right because they should know better.

With my first overview of the book it seems surprisingly and refreshingly unbiased but we shall see. Anyway, this is an issue close to my heart or maybe even closest to my heart and I thank you again.

Norma said...

You're welcome Doug.

The history of the USSR, its policy of killing its own citizens who dissented, its repression of religion, and its interminable 5 year plans that were phony, has pretty much been wiped clean in U.S. history books and reference sources intended for our young people.