Thursday, June 09, 2011

Wisconsin union protestors spoil the day for Special Olympians meeting with the governor

This is the "progressive" political philosophy that has brought about the death of over 90% of children with Down Syndrome aborting them before they catch their first breath. This is the thoughtless political philosophy that allows the President of the United States to yuck it up about their abilities, and late night comedians left wing bloggers to ridicule Sarah Palin's son. Did these young (and probably paid) "zombies" have any idea what they were doing? Maybe not. Brains of mush. The Olympians are much smarter, kinder and happier than this crew brought in by the unions.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
What are the union organizers thinking of??? Most people's impression of the union officials is a bunch of bullies that will resort to ANYTHING to have their way with business. Then they resort to something ugly and stupid like this. I find it somewhat amusing that pretending to be zombies kinda depicts their actual work ethics. You know, like giving up their individuality, working in lockstep with one another and depending on the big boys to protect them from almost any of their weaknesses and failures while destroying their employer.

Anonymous said...

Of all the folks being hurt by Walker,the special population will no doubt be hurt the most. Those parents,staff workers,caregivers surely understand that the protesting is for the voiceless in WI. The people I know well that were there say this was not the best coverage,again, to suit those anti-union news networks, remember there is always more to sound bites and those that take these soundbites and run with them often get it very wrong.

Norma said...

I truly doubt that. You have never been able to think outside the Democrat box, or to leave the plantation that keeps you bound in servitude. You are straight party ticket, no matter what. You'll see the country bankrupt and sold to the Chinese for debt and you'll still be a loyal Democrat.

Anonymous said...

These Wisconsinprotests which slopped over into Indiana and Ohio were about the education unions, the most powerful force blocking meaningful education reform. They take money from non-union teachers or they can't work in 28 states, including Ohio. Unions spend 90% of these involuntary dues' political contributions on Democrats despite 55% of teachers identifying themselves as conservative.

I don't know if parents and caretakers of special needs children and adults are unionized, but considering how poorly Democrats have served education needs of non-disabled, I can't see that your constituency would be treated any better.