Friday, October 12, 2012

Christians for Mitt (Facebook)

Thank you, Lord, for calm, substantial grace and dignity again in our rising American leaders, Mitt Romney & Paul Ryan. Help us, Lord, with this crisis of character and competence that has befallen our nation. Amen.

(Writer’s  opinion: It's a shock to see a man like Joe Biden as the Vice President of our nation. How could men like this, with such indignity of manner and thought, be occupying positions of highest leadership. We are truly in a crisis but God is raising up real Americans, again. Proverbs 29:9, "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only the rages and laughs, and there is no quiet." But the discerning know wisdom, and the Lord shall rise with us, as we rise for Him.

My opinion:  Biden’s behavior was bizarre, however I think it really resonates with Democrats who have no character or principles in their platform or program.  We can’t expect good manners from people who boo God.

Mark Levin’s opinion:  Martha Raddatz was awful, stepping all over Paul Ryan's statements. Joe Biden was off his meds, flailing with his hands, interrupting, repetitive, and whiny, which is what most of his base has wanted. And Paul Ryan was calm, cool, and collected, with a better second half in the debate.

Joe Pags opinion: As Al Gore would say, "the debate is over." My Thoughts.. As expected Martha Raddatz, was biting and on the attack with Ryan -- seemed to give in more with Biden. I thought she was going to be fair at first, but then she was what I expected she'd be -- a shill for the Obama admin. Even as Biden begged for even time, fact is, he got nearly two minutes more than Ryan. I guess Obama got Raddatz a nice wedding gift.

RNC Chair Reince Priebus :  Vice President Joe Biden interrupted Congressman Paul Ryan "82 times" during the debate.

Dana Show:  Ryan's job tonight was to set up Romney for next debate. Biden's job was to clean up Obama's mess from the last one.

Michelle Malkin: Pundits and news anchors are expressing post-debate shock at how smirky, condescending and arrogant Vice President Joe Biden was tonight. They buzzed on Twitter at his “malarkey” rebuke of Paul Ryan’s foreign policy criticism.


Peggy Noonan: Last week Mr. Obama was weirdly passive. Last night Mr. Biden was weirdly aggressive, if that is the right word for someone who grimaces, laughs derisively, interrupts, hectors, rolls his eyes, browbeats and attempts to bully. He meant to dominate, to seem strong and no-nonsense. Sometimes he did—he had his moments. But he was also disrespectful and full of bluster. "Oh, now you're Jack Kennedy!" he snapped at one point. It was an echo of Lloyd Bentsen to Dan Quayle, in 1988. But Mr. Quayle, who had compared himself to Kennedy, had invited the insult. Mr. Ryan had not. It came from nowhere. Did Mr. Biden look good? No, he looked mean and second-rate. He meant to undercut Mr. Ryan, but he undercut himself. His grimaces and laughter were reminiscent of Al Gore's sighs in 2000—theatrical, off-putting and in the end self-indicting.

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