Sunday, October 14, 2012

Oops. He forgot Obama!

“In all of his ranting and defending of the Democratic agenda, Biden failed at his number one job: propping up the boss! In his tireless pursuit of the limelight, Biden has actually set up President Obama up for failure in the next presidential debate.

Do you remember even one MENTION of the President? Or Joe Biden sharing even one of the President’s successes or great leadership traits?

Instead, Biden exposed the vulnerabilities of the Obama administration like open cans of tuna. The imperfect aroma of Obamacare, Libya, Medicare and Unemployment will fill the stage when Romney faces the President this week. In other words, he set President Obama up for failure.”

The Kitchen Cabinet

Michael Medved

A number of women have remarked that Biden’s behavior reminded them of their ex-husband or boyfriend;  and I’m guessing for a certain age group, it reminds them of the way men have treated them at the office/workplace.  Nope, no points from women.

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