Wednesday, May 15, 2013

From the Kitchen Cabinet—News and Opinion by women for women

“Tea Party groups, led in many US communities by WOMEN who scraped grocery money together to file as non-profit organizations, had their paperwork SHELVED while liberal political groups were rapidly approved by IRS Cincinnati and Washington offices.

Do you really believe IRS agents and lifetime bureaucrats would think to do this on their own? Put their jobs on the line to harass tea party folks? In 2011? Not even an election year? This was not the brainchild of the IRS or even IRS senior officials. This was the ground strategy of the Barack Obama 2012 Re-election campaign.

And now, in an age when the front page is dominated by debates over Gay Rights and the Obama administration's liberal mandate to DELIVER them on his watch, suddenly America is talking about a new kind of CIVIL RIGHTS violation: of THE MIDDLE CLASS.”

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