Thursday, May 16, 2013

Who goes to jail?

So the acting head of the IRS (for the last 6 months, with one month to go) has been fired, even though the snooping and blocking of conservative patriot groups had been going on for several years? Nice cover.

But let’s say, just for laughs, that some low level IRS employees at the Cincinnati office thought up these 30 page forms and 2 year delays on their own.  That on their own they requested screen shots of Facebook pages, and details about the families of board members, where they worked and who they were friends with.  Did no one go to his superior and say, “In the training I received to become a loyal government civil servant, I was taught this was illegal.  What should I do?”

What did you do when asked by your employer to do something illegal or you saw crazy behavior on the job?  I’m pretty sure destroying state property is illegal and going berserk on the job is dangerous for the other employees, so when my boss began acting erratically back in 1978, I called her boss.  She never did see that she had the problem (she threw a telephone through a window, breaking the glass, then pulled it back in and threw it through a second window) only that the people around her were acting stupidly.

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