Friday, November 02, 2018

Democrats want to go backwards

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This should be the closing argument for the election: The economy. It's the best in my lifetime. The Recession was over June 2009--before the first dollar was released from Obama to "help." Did it feel over to you? It was the slowest recovery in history, yet Democrats want to return to that!

Obama did everything he could to hold back full recovery to make us more dependent on government--from a take over our health insurance and higher taxes, to shutting down reporters (Trump didn’t jail reporters, but Obama did), to the addition of strangling regulations, to brow beating us with negativity about the country, to bailing out banks and taking over auto companies, to threatening jail if we didn't buy his insurance product, to enabling ISIS and extending the war, to confusing users of public toilets. He virtually destroyed the Democrat Party which has now been taken over by Socialists and other radicals.

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