Saturday, April 11, 2020

You can go to Wal-Mart, but not church. Guest blogger, Michael Smith

“In Kentucky, you can go to Walmart or Target anytime you want without sanction but if you go to church, you'll be sentenced to 14 days of home confinement.

This is nuts.

Our elected leaders are flexing their tyrant muscles.

The WHO widely praised (and continue to praise) the Chinese for their clampdown in Wuhan - but what they did was to ban domestic travel to prevent the spread of the virus to Beijing and Shanghai - but curiously, the continued to allow international flights to Vancouver, San Francisco, LA and New York City.

With tyrants, you need to watch what they do rather than just listen to what they say.

Same with the government and elected officials here in our country. One should really question why unlimited travel and congregating at a Walmart is allowed and yet church congregations are not.

If government requires me to wear a mask and gloves when I am in public, I can accept that - but when they start telling me where I can and can't go, especially if it is to church, or I have to have papers signifying I have the right antibodies, we are going to have a problem.”

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