Thursday, July 16, 2020

Columbus mayor fails to protect the citizens

Although we don't live in the city of Columbus, those of us in the suburbs feel their pain. The mayor, like many in major cities, is dismantling the protection and security of the residents. BLM and ANTIFA have made the downtown a mess. The protests have nothing to do with George Floyd, and the mayor has simply rolled over and is playing dead. White virtue signalers from the 'burbs prop him up. The Democrats steal and borrow votes to get in and then abandon the people who elected them. It's that way in all large cities. Population: 922,000, metro: 2,200,000, growth in last decade, 17% (expect that to drop under this mayor). 59% white, 28% black, 13% other, with the majority of new residents foreign born. I wonder why most of the black lives in Columbus don't matter to the mayor? 116,000 residents are foreign born, and probably left their homelands to escape the chaos the mayor is now offering in order to please his radical base.

Four dead (3 teens) and many others wounded this past week-end. Why don't their lives matter? Where are their televised funerals--they probably didn't even have any prison terms to glamorize like Floyd did.

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