Monday, November 23, 2020

How to pray for unity

I've heard Christians saying, "We need to pray God brings unity and restores our divided country." Should we be asking God to bring our Christian friends and neighbors to an understanding of the grisly truth about abortion and repent? It certainly causes division. Should we pray that Israel can continue on the peace path President Trump assisted with (Netanyahu met in Saudi Arabia with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and Pompeo according to news reports)? I've heard Christians discounting this historic event for peace. Can we continue to pray for the protection of our border agents as they guard our borders and follow our laws? Will God provide answers? Should we continue to support our First Amendment Rights when Democrats attack them? And how about the illegal votes revealed in the last election? Do we just stop discussing it in the name of unity? Is it OK to ask God that Hunter Biden be brought to justice for what was revealed on his laptop? We'd do that for other criminals. And what about prison reform. Haven't Christians been asking and preparing for that, and then it's rejected because Trump made headway? And what about poverty? God has so much to say about that in the Bible, but how do we reconcile the differences between a good job and a government program? Should we give an elbow bump (no handshakes) to those who have been calling us racists for 4 years instead of asking for some facts or policies to back up the charges? Do we pray for survival of our jobs and economy if those we are praying with want a long, destructive lockdown?

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