Friday, November 06, 2020

10 axioms about the voter count

We all know Joe Biden won the popular vote November 3, 2020, and there are axioms (self-evident truths) we can learn from this.

1. Trump will end up with over 70,000,000 votes. Seventy million. These are American citizens who have been insulted, demeaned, called every name in the book, had their homes vandalized, their careers ruined, losing friends and family, and yet remained loyal and convinced he was the best president in their life times. These are not citizens duped by foreign powers, these are not citizens bought by powerful PACs and backroom deals. These are not citizens represented by the rich and famous of Hollywood.

2. The citizens who voted for Trump in 2016 and 2020 have completely flipped the party labels. The blue collar and less well-educated are now the Republicans. Republicans now represent the little guy being ground down by the oligarchs and big money of the new age of technology. Trump is a wealthy man, but he can't hold up against the onslaught of the money that was pouring in to defeat the down ticket candidates in the South and Southwest.

3. Trump's presidency revealed how badly divided the country is--he didn't divide it--Obama made it worse, but it was a long time coming even before him. I was in academe until 2000, and all the seeds were sprouting. President Trump revealed the coalition of hate and bigotry from members of his own party, mega-wealthy entertainers, smug over rated athletes, Big-Tech CEOs and their overpaid, overeducated workers, narrow specialty medical and science researchers, cancel culture academics, and puffed up pastors.

4. President Trump turned out to be the strongest pro-life president and that issue like none other revealed the moral bankruptcy of both parties. Whereas the Democrats were more revealing about their open animosity for the unborn, their blood lust and glee for letting little ones die dismembered with no medical care, the Republicans really didn't put up much of a fight, leaving it to non-profits and Christian groups to charge the armed bunkers of the abortionists.

5. President Trump has burst open the bubble of what Democrats are about. They have been taken over by the far left, the worst element in our country. Defund the police. Teach hate about our history in schools. Shout down any opposing view. Drag people in to court for exercising their first and second amendment rights. Divide and conquer by creating victim groups rather than supporting wealth creation through work and investment. Make everything about sex and skin rather than empowering the working class to move up and out. Lock the doors on the low income with ever expanding government programs to hang on to their vote.

6. President Trump has embarrassed and shamed the Republicans in power by revealing he could accomplish many of the goals they set for years, yet never fought for. Democrats won the House in 2018 because Republicans retired, dropped out, or threw in the towel. They limped away and joined non-profits and think tanks waiting to return to power. He's exposed their naked inadequacies. He openly ridiculed them by doing what they could only whine about. Making us independent of the Middle East oil cartels, cutting funds for Planned Parenthood and at least attempting to stop the tax drain to "sanctuary cities," plugging the holes at the border for drug pushers and sex trafficking, negotiating better trade deals and forcing European "allies" to grow a pair and stand up to the EU.

7. Trump has awakened blacks to just how badly they've been used by Democrats. In the late 19th century up to the 1960s, the Republicans were the party working for the African Americans. Democrats were the party of the KKK and Jim Crow. Johnson stole that image in the 1960s and locked down the black vote with the "War on Poverty" and over the years black politicians have been rewarded with the keys to some of our largest cities. Trying to be "nice" and bi-partisan, the Republicans went along to get along. Trump comes along and looks at the trillions spent and minorities still struggling to latch on to the American dream. "What have you got to lose?" he asked blacks who were NOT in power. He was winning, too, with low unemployment, prison reform, asking for solutions rather than telling them. How embarrassing for both parties that an outsider with no political palm greasing could get things done just by asking the people who mattered to help him.

8. A 70 million vote for Trump further reveals the terrible divisions in the Christian church. We now see Evangelicals aligning with the Main Line Protestant denominations and the Catholics having more in common with the Fundamentalists, Pentecostals and Independents in the the fight to care of the weakest (the unborn and the elderly) and fighting to hold on to the meaning of a godly marriage and sexuality. Suburban Christians (both black and white) who had been quite comfortable in their chosen enclaves suddenly found themselves after the Memorial day riots accused of systemic racism and microaggression, embarrassed to fly the American flag and fearful of a Trump sign in their yards. Even if Trump had won with a clear majority of popular and electoral votes, only God will be able to restore health to his church.

9. 70,000,000 voters did not believe the constant barrage from Democrats, media, non-profits, and even their own churches that somehow a worldwide pandemic which originated in China was the fault of the American president. With hundreds of cultures, languages, demographic variables, conflicting science, and mixed messages from the White House Task Force, 70,000,000 still believe that the federal government doesn't have the Constitutional right to lock us in our homes, close our churches and libraries, destroy our businesses and live in fear. And that may be a problem for Joe Biden who has used this tragedy as an excuse to hide in his basement and has promised us nationwide mandates.

10. 70,000,000 citizens are not enough to hold back the tsunami of socialism/Communism that is sweeping over the country. And we have 75,000,000 willing to throw aside our freedoms and elect a man with close ties to Communist China.

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