Friday, March 05, 2021

Critical race theory and the churches

This is the racist/Marxist target and idea behind critical race theory (CRT). If you are a member of a Christian of Jewish congregation--Catholic, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Bible only, non-denominational centered on your pastor, you are the target. If you are ethnically a distant German, Scot, Lebanese, Slovak, Spaniard, Greek, etc., you are a target. If you are ethnically an African American, middle class or higher, and college educated, you are a target. It's Marxism, and it is coming for YOU, especially you males. 

"Critical theory is a Marxist idea developed in postmodernity in which absolutes, objectivity and absolute truth are no longer accepted. Critical theory purports to explain the world in terms of power, and its proponents believe those with the least power have the most moral authority to speak. Power is, therefore, mapped through intersectionality -- race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, etc. The white male heterosexual Christian has the most power and therefore has the least moral authority to speak in society." (Erick Erickson column in Town Hall, March 5) 

You can confess or humble yourself, cower, scrape and bow, or pay big bucks to offer CRT reeducation camps, it won't make any difference, because reconciliation isn't the goal. The intention is never forgive, never offer forgiveness and never have peace. Some liberal churches played with this when it was James Cone and Black liberation theology back in the 70s. It has simply been resurrected.

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