Thursday, June 06, 2024

Christian missionaries killed in Haiti

"PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP) — A U.S. missionary couple and a Haitian man who worked with them were shot and killed by gang members in Haiti’s capital after they were attacked while leaving a youth group activity held at a local church, a family member said Friday.

The attack happened Thursday evening in the community of Lizon in northern Port-au-Prince, Lionel Lazarre, head of a Haitian police union, told The Associated Press."

By Rik Swartzwelder on Facebook

"Next time you’re feeling superior to Gen Z or Gen Alpha or… whatever other generational label struts down the catwalk next… remember the names of these two…

Davy (23) and Natalie (21) Lloyd. A young married couple from Missouri, USA, who were Christian missionaries who had committed their lives to serving the youngest and poorest in Haiti.

Along with Pastor Jude Montis (45), the local Haitian native who was the Director of Missions for their ministry organization, they were just days ago savagely butchered by a ruthless gang in Port-au-Prince.
Their names will likely barely be remembered…

None of them ever pranced half-naked on a stage, singing songs and begging for your adulation… for a hefty price…

They never made a billion dollars…

Or won an Olympic gold medal or any kind of athletic championship…

Or grabbed a microphone or exhausted themselves in the mockery or belittlement of others…

Or spent hours trolling others online trying to prove their superiority…

They never sought the spotlight… or lived for their own pleasure alone... or bought into the lie that this world is all there is...

What they did do was lay down their lives in the hopes of bringing a better life to others…

These are heroes. These are the souls that humble me and inspire me and call me into wanting to be more than I am. To serve… to give… to love…

Lord, have mercy… hear our prayer… come soon…

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