Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Steve Sailer notices things--trends, seasons, laws, murders

Steve Sailer notices things. Then he writes them down. Then his columns were collected into a book titled "Noticing." He's called a right wing extremist and racist by Media Matters or SPLC because he notices things like 15,000-20,000 blacks were murdered or died in car crashes as a result of BLM's Ferguson (2015-16) and George Floyd (2020) riots. With guns blacks killed each other (44% increase) and when police were told not to patrol or stop cars for searches because that was racist, more blacks died in car crashes (39% increase). He uses a lot of CDC statistics. It seems that Black Lives Don't Matter to Democrats because they want Sailer to stop writing about such uncomfortable topics (which could be compiled and collected by any journalist if they cared). He's been on many podcasts, but today is the first day I'd heard of him.

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