Sunday, June 23, 2024

The names in DC have changed, but the politics are now criminal

In a summary of post WWII U.S. political history--from the 1950s to today--Joel Ross writes, " It is just that the Dems have now taken it [dirty politics] to a whole new level of criminal behavior in an attempt to consolidate power. Cheating in elections is now a science for them, and so we have 11 million illegal new potential people to sign illegal ballots. That is what this year’s election represents.
It is 43 years later [after the Reagan Revolution, 1981-1989], but the same political left vs right battles are being fought, just the names are different, and the tactics are now criminal. The pendulum is now swinging back, and the numbers are very much larger. This election is a historic moment equal to when Reagan got elected and changed the direction of the country away from government control.

Consider, 1979 was the Iran hostage crisis, then came Reagan and it ended immediately. 2024, Gaza war and hostage crisis with Iran proxy. 1979 weak Carter, inflation was 11.3% and the economy was headed in the wrong direction. Now weak bumbling Biden, prices are up over 20% for basics in four years, and there is another hostage crisis involving Iran proxies. Along comes Trump seeking to reverse all of the Biden failures and over regulation. The Dems already have a plan to try to stop him from eliminating deep state swamp dwellers."

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