Tuesday, March 04, 2025

From Father Petkosek, a message about Ukraine

 A message from a Ukrainian American priest: Father Michael Petkosek, Catholic Diocese of Cleveland 

If you’re going to virtue signal with the flag of my heritage, please know this:
The Ukrainian people have long been caught between the imperialism of a neighbor and their own independence. Their history is one of being ethnically Ukrainian yet belonging politically—generally by force— to a stronger and more militant neighbor. They have long seen empires fight over their fertile soil and Black Sea coastline.

The twentieth century alone was quite brutal for the Ukrainian people. In the 1930’s, seven million Ukrainians died in Stalin’s artificially created famine, the Holodomor, in an attempt to simply get rid of the population and claim the land. During World War II, the Ukrainian people were caught between Nazi and Soviet invasions. The Communists never left and the people became citizens of the Soviet Union.

When the long-suffering Ukrainian people finally achieved independence with the fall of the USSR, they knew only one corrupt government after another. The influence of Communist evil ran deep and the KGB never really died.

Did you care about any of this, now or in the past?

My grandfather forsook serving in his national army because it was infiltrated by the Soviets. Instead, he fought with the real Ukrainian army, the Underground. He fought Nazis and hid from Communists. His friends were executed for attending a town dance while he slept under a dead horse for safety. This is the Ukrainian grit that has held off Russian aggression for three years, it is a grit that will continue to run headlong into a hopeless fight.
No one in their right mind likes the idea that Russia stands to get away with a great injustice. But, no one in their right mind wants this war to continue. The first step is to stop the bleeding. One must wonder just why Zelenskyy was willing to throw that chance away.
Understand that when you say, “I stand with Ukraine,” I know that what you really mean is, “I hate Donald Trump.” From where I’m sitting, “I stand with Ukraine,” first said on February 27, 2025, sounds as if you’re happy for the war to continue—for Ukrainians (and Russians) to keep dying…. because, hey, it’s a chance to troll Donald Trump.

See the expression of Ukraine’s ambassador during the infamous meeting, which if watched in its entirety, does not support an anti-Trump narrative. She sees what Zelenskyy did and she knows that Ukrainians will continue dying.

You stand with Ukraine? Spare me. Your virtue signaling is just tacit support for an ongoing war, one that Ukraine can’t win. You're just cheering on a slaughter.

St. Josaphat, pray for us!

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