Monday, March 17, 2025

Sports drinks compared

Now with MAHA and Bobby Kennedy Jr rattling our cages, what are you doing about guzzling water and sports drinks? The microplastics have been an issue for a while; microplastics are smaller than a sesame seed and nanoplastics are even smaller, small enough to enter the body’s cells. Look at the drink aisles in the grocery stores that look like a painter's pallet. I'm not sure anyone is paying attention--plastics + dyes.

I'm not athletic, don't sweat unless it's 90 degrees, but I am a "senior" (aka elderly) and when people get older they lose the protection of feeling thirsty, even if they need liquid. So, I've been looking--plastic free, dye free, sugar free with electrolytes. They are all expensive, in my mind, compared to water, and most come in plastic bottles.

Here's what I'm drinking today. Sugar free, clear (watermelon, berry flavors) Propel. I move it to a glass quart bottle and drink it in a wine glass! The watermelon flavor is mild; the berry is a little sharp, so I water it down. I compared it to Zero Gatorade. For sodium, G is 160 and P is 210; for potassium G is 45 and P is 70; for Vit. C, G is zero and P is 25. There are numerous vitamins and minerals but those are the biggies. You can buy packets of the electrolyte mix and avoid plastic all together. Here's some additional sources from Medline Plus with additional links:

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