Friday, September 10, 2004

465 Pondering the ceilings

Some women encounter the "glass ceiling" in their professions--i.e., you can see the top, you just can't get there. Then there is the expression "hit the ceiling" meaning to loose your temper. I spend a lot of time pondering the ceilings in our condo. It took me awhile to discover that the deep hued wall colors had also been on the ceiling when the guy decorators lived here. The next two owners had lightened things up a bit, and painted the den ceiling and living room ceiling and the bedroom ceilings white. The ceiling of the dining room was still orange and the ceiling of the family room and hall were still red when we moved here in January 2002.

Today I decided to climb on a stool and try to wipe what I thought was glue from the wall paper off the ceiling of my bathroom. It is wild wallpaper, but I sort of like it. It looks like huge voluptuous folds of beige satan with red/pink tassles around the border. The cabinets are painted black and the marble is sort of beige/cream. Really, a bit decadent, but a fun place to wake up in at 5 a.m.

Well, when I steadied myself on the stool grasping the door for support, imagine my surprise when I found out that it wasn't glue at all, but the formerly red/pink ceiling color. I suppose whoever painted the ceiling white missed a few spots trying to avoid those tassles.

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