Sunday, February 15, 2009

Caterpillar employees are not fooled by Obama

Elizabeth Meinecke reports that Obama tried to cajole Illinois Republican Aaron Schock into voting for the stimulus package in front of the Caterpillar employees during his speech to hustle votes last week. Schock waited around afterwards to talk to them. No takers.
    “In fact, I have received over 1,400 phone calls, e-mails and letters from Caterpillar employees alone asking me to oppose this legislation,” Schock said on the House floor Friday. “Why? Because they get it. They know this bill is not stimulus.”

    Schock urged a no vote and followed through this afternoon. He’s clearly in touch with his constituents. Can Obama say the same?"
Well, Elizabeth, Obama IS in touch with his star struck fans--in a few months when they realize what he's done, the story may be a bit different. Although it's terribly hard to make a Democrat escape from the plantation. Freedom is so darn scary.

HT Soapbox Jill


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
Obama is committing financial rape. Having the masses saying no won't work and they can't fight back! The Democrats will have their DNA all this one!

Anonymous said...

I didn't see any front page retractions after the headline "Caterpillar will rehire with Stimulus Bill" was proven to be false -- an outright lie. Did you?