Monday, February 02, 2009

Pray for the president

Obama on the radio news break is a good time. I pushed the off button while leaving the coffee shop and prayed:
    Oh Lord, your servant, our president, is feeling the responsibility placed upon him, and we know he is unworthy, as we all are. May you abundantly bless him with a believing heart, and make him a valiant soldier of the cross. Protect the smallest and weakest in our world by raising up legislators to defeat legal measures to kill them. Give him and the women visiting the PDC for an ultrasound today a tender heart for the unborn in their wombs. Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Norma. I was struggling with how to pray for the president, since I don't want his policies to succeed. In my anger at the evil he wants to do, I became blind to the aspect of humility. We are all, indeed, unworthy, no matter how many times Oprah and Tolle in their new 'Christianity' campaign try to tell us otherwise.

I can now pray fully, and that is comforting.