Wednesday, February 04, 2009

The real problem is pork

It's a trillion dollar bridge to nowhere says the Morning Bell (Heritage Foundation):
    "According to a Gallup Poll released today, 54% of Americans either want Congress to reject Obama's debt plan entirely, or they want major changes to it. Only 37% support the plan in its current form. A full 78% of Americans are significantly concerned that the plan will not stimulate the economy fast enough and 53% of Americans believe the plan will not have an effect at all."
I'm against it because I don't like being lied to, whether by Democrats, Socialists, Marxists, Republicans, RINOs, or Libertarians; Methodists, Muslims, New-Agers, or pantheistic warmists; white, cream, black, brown, taupe or bi-racial; men, women or transexuals; old, young, boomer, tweens or 20-somethings. The fact is, we got into this hole by overspending at every level of society, from our personal households to the White House, encouraging spending from the highest level. We're here because the government interferred at every level of our economy and society. We've not going to reverse it by giving the folks who created the problem even more power. We are not going to spend our way out of it by raising taxes to kill more businesses. And I don't for a fraction of a second think that Obama's cap on CEO salaries (a mote in the eye when compared to the boulder of government greed blinding us) will be only for those companies getting bailouts. Do you?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
In answer to your question....No! As far as the opinion of the citizens of U.S., Obama says he doesn't pay attention to polls. And he doesn't have to since he is the King.