Sunday, June 28, 2009

The Honeymoon of 2009

Although I don't agree that Obama is Bush-redux, I do think the honeymoon is over.
    "Mark it on your calendars. It was in June 2009 that Barack Obama's honeymoon officially ended. And to be more specific, it was this past week. Through some mysterious alchemy, this was the week that Bush's economy became Obama's, Bush's wars became Obama's, and the ups and downs of a real workaday relationship with the press also introduced Obama to a more accurate sense of what life was like for Bush and for all his other modern predecessors." A run through of the links
Obama is NOT politics as usual, and the press hasn't even come close to putting his feet to the fire.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This comment was good. "I've barfed my way through the honeymoon. How much will a divorce cost me?"