Wednesday, August 04, 2010

'CBS Evening News' Anchor Couric Ridiculed Palin from Day One; Mocks Son’s Name |

Sorry, guys, as much as I think Katie isn't the right person for the nightly news job, I didn't find this "raw" footage damning. She's self-deprecating, and jokes. She chats like a hundred other women I know, but she's respectful. How many of us knew of or heard of Wasilla, or mooseburgers before Sarah Palin? Give it a rest. Katie did a poor job on her critical Palin interview which suffered from editing over which she may have not had control, but this video tells us nothing. Not even MSM or journolist bias.

'CBS Evening News' Anchor Couric Ridiculed Palin from Day One; Mocks Son’s Name |

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh come on.Blame it on Katie? Point that finger.