Sunday, June 26, 2011

Free speech or abortion rights?

"Alamogordo resident Greg Fultz’s billboard is getting national attention — and it could land him in jail. The 35-year old owner of internet sales and service company GEFNET bought the space on White Sands Boulevard to run an ad featuring an image of himself holding the black outline of an infant along with the headline, “This Would Have Been a Picture Of My 2-Month Old Baby If The Mother Had Decided To NOT KILL Our Child!” The original billboard said it was “created for N.A.N.I.,” an acronym that is the same as his former girlfriend’s first name.

Nani Lawrence has filed a petition in court against Fultz for domestic violence and charges of harassment and invasion of privacy. Last week, an Otero County Domestic Violence Court commissioner backed Lawrence’s claim, recommending an order of protection for her and that the billboard be removed by 8:14 a.m. on June 17. Judge James W. Counts is expected to approve the recommendations."

Read story at New Mexico Independent

Do fathers have rights?


Paula said...

If it weren't for the "acronym," I'd have no objection to the poster. It casts the man in a very unflattering light -- he was a dummy for being careless with a woman who didn't share his values.

Norma said...

I thought it cast the woman in an unflattering light and that's why she's suing. We don't know what their unspoken agreement was when they had sex. Some people don't realize they are pro-life until after the child is conceived.