Thursday, November 03, 2011

What's in your frig today?

Food prices are going up and up, but food is still a good buy. You don't need a farmer's market to eat well, although that's wonderful in the summer.

What's in your refrigerator today in fresh fruits and vegetables? Here's my list.

Sweet potatoes, 2 varieties white and orange (yams)
onion white (cut and wrapped for storage),
3 kinds of sweet bell peppers, red, yellow, green
baby spinach
turnip greens
head lettuce

orange juice
tomato juice
apple cider
dried prunes

In the freezer I have corn, beans and peas.

Potatoes, dried things that don't need refrigeration like raisins, are in the cupboard, not the frig, and bananas are on the counter top.

But I read every label. I try to buy only from the USA or Canada. I like to keep white grapes on hand, but haven't found the right label lately. Occasionally Philippines and Costa Rica, which I'm hoping come under some sort of scrutiny through their political relationship with the USA. Yesterday, the peppers sign said "Canadian grown" but at least one batch had Mexico labels.


CountryDew said...

Very healthy food list!

JO said...

wow! your fridge is healthy...

Mine's up! Happy T13.

Carol............. said...

Lots of healthy stuff in your fridge!

We also try to eat with our health in mind and I grow a veggie garden each year and freeze or otherwise preserve some of the berries and other fruits form our garden. But in the winter months I'm at the mercy of the produce isles. I just do without the stuff that's not grown in the US.......