Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Is Ron Paul a tool of the left?

From Breitbart TV, Trevor Loudon.
"Ron Paul’s libertarian suspicion of big government defense spending, has been deliberately fostered and encouraged by the most anti libertarian elements in the land – the US hard left.

Ron Paul, and many libertarians think they can work with the left to achieve libertarian ends.

The hard bitten Leninists and disciplined Marxists of the left know they can use naive libertarians to achieve their ends – particularly to gut America’s defenses to the benefit of their foreign masters.

In short, the US left is using Ron Paul and other libertarians, to do what their armies and intelligence services have long dreamed of – destroying America’s military superiority, and with it, US national sovereignty.

By promoting the left’s defense policies, Ron Paul, a man of patriotism beyond question, could be unknowingly betraying his own country to its enemies."


King said...

Spot on and very insightful!

Anonymous said...

Murray Sez:
If Ron Paul wants to aid the Liberal/Progressives and help destroy our great country, he can do so by running as a 3rd party candidate thus guaranteeing Obama another term.
It has me concerned!!!!

Norma said...

Paul is a strong Christian and has many beliefs that could restore ideas the founders had; however he is too old and too radical to get elected, and he's Obama's ticket to the White House. I notice Leftists say very little about him, and instead attack the others hoping to knock out the big tent guys.