Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Browsing through “For the Good of Illinois”

This website for corruption and fraud in Illinois works similar to one we have in Ohio. “We educate, engage and empower citizens to demand a transparent, accountable and limited government.”

“United Neighborhood Organization is getting $98 Million. Sounds like a nice organization. I decided to google them. Their home page is http://www.uno-online.org/. It states that it is “Modeled after the Saul Alinsky style of community organizing.” If you don’t know who Saul Alinsky is, google “Saul Alinsky Marxist”. The CEO of UNO is a gentleman by the name of Juan Rangel. He also happens to be one of Rahm Emanuel’s campaign co-chairman. “


Roger Eddy [Hutsonville superintendent]  is a poster boy example of Illinois public greed. We are confident that Roger Eddy’s total compensation will exceed $300,000 per year- when our Freedom of Information Act Request regarding Roger Eddy’s taxpayer funded health insurance as a state rep is fullfilled. We’ve called on Eddy to release the number, he refuses to do so. UPDATE: State of Illinois rejects request saying that the citizens DON’T have a right to know what the state is paying for the Eddy family health coverage, click here to read.

With two base salaries equaling $181,969; Roger Eddy outearns every governor of the 50 states. Source: The Book of States 2010.


In late 2010, the Bellville News Democrat “reported that nearly 389 Menard employees received $10 million from taxpayers for workers’ compensation injuries. More than 230 claims were filed by guards for repetitive trauma damage to their wrists and elbows that were caused by locking and unlock cell doors.” This must be due to the extra hard springs and mechanics inside Illinois prison doors. Regardless, the story triggered a Federal investigation, which seems to be on-going.

It also triggered HR 131, which can be read here.


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