Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What's it all about, Al "race hustler" Sharpton?

The Democrats came up with Jim Crow and the KKK, they undid all the Civil Rights laws passed by Republicans after the Civil War, then took credit for the Civil Rights laws of the 20th century.  The Democrats are pushing abortions, 40% of which are for black babies.  So just what is he saying about Republicans? Just who is wiping out whom?  Who is the only president ever endorsed by Planned Parenthood which systematically kills minorities?

"It seems like [Republicans] act as though, some wiping out of people, some of the right-wing, is all right. It's not all right to do to any innocent people. If you had war and people that's one thing, but to wipe out innocent people just because of who they are like what was done in Hitler's Germany or what was done to Native Americans is not justifiable."

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