Thursday, January 24, 2013

Don’t be fooled


She’s trying to distract you from the lies about Benghazi, where the survivors are, why Rice was sent out to lie for her, and why she shouldn’t be your next president.  Don’t be fooled.  She learned it all from Bill.  And frankly, size does matter, and this is bigger than Bill’s.


Anonymous said...

Murray sez:
It didn't take much to distract the Republicans. They were totally disgraceful. McCain in particular. Hard to imagine he was ever a presidential candidate. But then Steve Croft made up for it on 60 minutes when he kept the heat on by firing tough questions about Bengahzi at both Hillary and Obama!Isn't our great country in fine shape?

Norma said...

I only saw a few minutes of it (CBS) on another show, but it certainly was a love fest. I don't think it would have mattered. Obama and Hillary have stonewalled every question, and half the country doesn't care.