Thursday, May 02, 2013

Washington Redskins

While debating the issue of the Washington Redskins as an appropriate name for the team, maybe more people should look at what the federal and state governments actually DO to REAL Native Americans who have been receiving cradle to grave government assistance for all of my life time. The only ones who do well are those who choose to either be a government lackey bureaucrat, or leave the subsidies behind and live free and responsible in society without Big Brother hovering.  But then that's true of most people; their situation is just a little more obvious since it's been going on longer. Look at any government program for health, education, military, children, nutrition, elderly, housing, etc. and there's a special siphon for Native Americans plus thousands of grants to non-profits who live off these Americans.

Disparities in health.

Homeland security.

Did you know we have tribal colleges and universities?

Even with all the gov't assistance, there's no accurate way to compile statistics because these are separate from other gov't programs.

One thing I noticed in reading about the various programs serving American Indians was that the statistics were rather old, considering how carefully watched they are by the government.

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